Friday, March 30, 2012

synonymous Friday

For example, the first sentence:. ' Tickets to the subway can become a universal means of payment. '.

' Card to pay for the subway can be used to pay for any goods '.
and add its.

The whole trick is to make the task more difficult and more fun next. Well, let us assume the continuation of.

' My husband is not the Russian billionaire was done on vacation and come see how the smoke spreading through the streets of nerezinovoy. '.
and its.
' Loader dropped a jar of pickles on the asphalt - kapets snack, he thought! '.

Continue. Shorter sentence of seven words are ignored and obliterated me involved as detection. Phrases do not carry meaning and bearing the random - also erased. Be polite. And I 'm going to understand that they have thrown me in the idea - wait for answers over the weekend.

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