Monday, March 19, 2012

The development of military flying saucers

news_13927_1_MDBritish troops in Afghanistan and Iraq have not succeeded because they did not have at its disposal the fleet of flying saucers - spyware. That such were the arguments put forward by the project participants GFS Projects, aimed at establishing a military flying saucers. The project, last year won a tender announced by the U.S. Defense Department is now focused on co-operation with the UK defense industry, the official tender will be held in August. The aim of the project, in which the tender is declared to be the creation of ...

At the tender GFS project will present its new development - an automated unmanned flying saucer diameter of 31 inches ( 79 cm ) for the management of urban observation.

The principle of recovery of flying saucers in the air based on the so-called ... In 1930 the Romanian scientist Henri Coanda (Henri Coanda) noticed that the air flows more efficiently move followed a curved surface than in a straight line. That's why all the aircraft have several curved. This effect has also inspired many inventors to create the most real flying saucers. Few of these developments have survived even to the testing stage, but the greater joy of those who succeeded.

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