For example, the first sentence:. ' Tickets to the subway can become a universal means of payment. '.
' Card to pay for the subway can be used to pay for any goods '.
and add its.
The whole trick is to make the task more difficult and more fun next. Well, let us assume the continuation of.
' My husband is not the Russian billionaire was done on vacation and come see how the smoke spreading through the streets of nerezinovoy. '.
and its.
' Loader dropped a jar of pickles on the asphalt - kapets snack, he thought! '.
Continue. Shorter sentence of seven words are ignored and obliterated me involved as detection. Phrases do not carry meaning and bearing the random - also erased. Be polite. And I 'm going to understand that they have thrown me in the idea - wait for answers over the weekend.
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Friday, March 30, 2012
synonymous Friday
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Page seo humor: a mirror you'll ever need includes himself in the index other sites
Request:. url: www. kazapa. ru * | url: kazapa. ru *.
Request:. url: www. sape. ru * | url: sape. ru *.
Request:. url: www. rotapost. ru * | url: rotapost. ru *.
Request:. url: www. gogetlinks. net * | url: gogetlinks. net *.
There are other stock exchanges and the aggregator. Vebeffektor. Yandex has a link to the fifth place, the site. BDBD. the third. And seopulta and Demis ' black mark ' no - probably agreed.
I remind you, with your permission, the language, such as. approved. by the mirror.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Increase webmoney (webmoney)
They took the password from webmoney purse and money has already leaked ( could come from mobile phone). Please tell me what to do.
This morning it feels good it was, and just come in an easy keeper and was surprised and disappointed to find that the account from the past with the VMP in a note stated that ' PAYMENT collection services. According to the agreement entered into in the alley. '.
Who knows something help, if possible, or tell me what to do.
damn, too, fell under the virus is carried away a little at $ 38. but shame.
the most offensive is rumored that even the Enum will not help.
virus did not steal. He just sits and waits in the system when you authorize the client, and as he substitute keeper working library it just on your behalf with your machine and transfers the money. and not what locks do not help. you do run it by entering the data obtained by the keeper on you phone: (.
Huyase. You still do not steal?.
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Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday's New Year's Eve
The most interesting variant on the tradition gets an invite to the club and five bucks at the expense.
I have, incidentally, is pretty simple: in the New Year, we gorged on the land, watched a few episodes and went to bed around three in the morning. Yesterday at Christmas got a new beer garden, try a fresh beer salting. A sixth - on the eve, gave an interview to Voice Shuriken, wait online in his blog.
Now - it's your turn!.
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The Germans in the city
Today, dined in the company of Germans ( in the photo the next table, and there have been 40 people ). The area we have a deep and vague history. Not Russian, not German. But that's for sure know one thing, back in 1946 the last Germans were evicted in the GDR. Now they are returning. Look at the place where grown they or their parents.
When the curtain fell, he fell on both sides and the Germans rushed to visit, spurred by nostalgia. I must say that. our. The Germans were driven primarily in the GDR, T. e. it is the poor Germans under German standards. Therefore, both then and now, they traveled by bus for 60 people. so for less. At one time such trips were even put on a stream.
Then, in the distant 90th the Germans had symptoms. ' Licked guest '. Yes, if hungry Russia sought every way to feed themselves and no mark, no one pfenning was not supposed to fall by. I remember there was even a whole team of boys, beggars, who ran a gang pot-bellied bus and asked for another brand. Or offer amber beads, sets of cards. For 1-2 marks.
And then the stream has dried up. Old people died, young people openly ancestral homeland of the drum. Who went to the second wave. 45-70 years. This is precisely those born during the great eviction. They still roam our streets, looking at our homes and say, pointing at the front:. ' This is my house! '.
Perhaps they still harbor the illusion that someday will be able to reclaim their property. But now it's just old people, tourists.
The German tourists are remarkably sexless. All the women wear the trousers. Both men and women wore baggy clothes. Even in the face does not always understand, man or woman. My friend married a Belgian of Russian origin. According to her, Belgian no different from the Belgians. A major pastime - sitting in the local pubs. A wise government subsidizes citizens benefits and pensions that they can simply live. And to what does not seek to.
It is interesting to observe the German - tourists. Whereas previously they looked like something new, challenging admiration for quality of life, but now they're just old worn shopping bags, so forgive me this cynicism. But sitting around Aboriginal and dressed better, and behave more relaxed (no rudeness, just a sense of its place ) and bought more and more do not have any complexes that the number of citizens of another state. Accustomed to, and maybe just a sense of national significance came. Now she can not see the boys attacking buses with sets of cards for the euro. Russia has changed.
I was more struck by this more. Over the last year I heard the words. ' Thank you for your purchase '. ,. ' bon appetit '. more than a lifetime. My mind refuses to accept the Sov these phrases appropriately - accustomed to rudeness or ignore. It seems that something has changed in the country, and I did not notice. If the snotty girl, a cleaning my desk, wished me good appetite, it seems, I start to live already in a different country, which, dammit, I like.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Disputes and disputants
Once again I proved to myself that it is impossible to argue with me. Always, I take my all for simple solutions - I'm just going to dispute. For a dispute aka the fight is by nature destructive.
Here's a brainstorm. constructive. And only about him says that. 'in a dispute born truth '. But when the two sides are buried in endless attempts to humiliate the other side - a dispute degenerates into blatant aggression and does not end.
In general, the art of dispute dates back to Ancient Greece and the guy under the name Sophists. These guys are famous for the fact that the dispute could. And almost always win any dispute. It was not the rightness of a disputant, and the ability to find the right arguments. Here and there was the art of sophistry, which is now used as the application and policy advocates.
Dear me, blogger Morgen Fritz calls this art govnometaniem seems. That's it. In the dispute between the two bitter rivals wins or who leaves, or one who is less wraps. If staying power is not, then killed the two - in some animal species practice is the death of two males, if you can not get away from the collision.
Why need a dispute, if the results of its so sad? . In a dispute born truth is not as argumentative. gentlemen. And well, if labor will be well. And that in fact, and on the forehead in the process can shlopotat.
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Articles are unique, some are optimized for your keyword phrases. Internal linking is present, usability rather weak - but as long as the customer is not willing to change it.
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Yesterday bought a single phrase, now in the plans for another 2-3. All I want to learn so fat 5.7. Then wait for a second and watch the dynamics of the APA. Ideally, the hook a lot of bass and a handful of midrange. In HF with this budget has nothing to do.
Friday, March 23, 2012
The good - bad
Top 1 to foolishness and frostbite surely keep lawyers. The only normal client- lawyer, I had a lady is that more licensing and accounting than the law. All other oh, what hard. Some people just do not understand someone requires the impossible, someone knocks the first discount, and then sits down on the neck. And how bad lawyers get paid. This is surely the second largest after the end of the solvency of state-owned companies.
Top 2 - is portalschiki. They are all different. There are some of the people. There are - of the profession. Just like a little understanding of how it works. But all around saw, heard somewhere, someone asked. This is the most vague of all TK. It changes every day. This is a refinement of detail to infinity and the nature of bitchiness, but just the taste comes with eating. On the one hand, they pay more, but when it comes to calculating the day you realize that the bad bargain, at least twice.
They say that it is very bad as clients beauty salons. But do not personally experienced. God of mercy. But he worked and worked with hotels. This is a quiet horror. Failure to assess the situation and task. Exaggerated claims are often impossible to explain anything at all. Most of the owners, hoteliers - nice people, but God rewarded them for this special managers, which have to fight instead of cooperation.
Occupy a high place, and representatives from various suppliers. They are often problems with the psychology. They always think you're fooling them. Or try to do it. Climb into the process, interfere with, make your edits at a time when it is not necessary. Once again rushed.
Ironically, the best customers I have - it's hoteliers and several service companies. But it's not so much the people of professions, how many people who trust us to work all the stages of personal reasons and will only accept the result. Although they occur oddity.
Almost never had serious problems with the builders. Whether the budget for them is not so serious waste of. Whether focused on a different. But working with them in general, nice.
Still nice, but once the precipitate remains horseradish, to work with those who do not have to. Did the site for the canning factory - soul invested, the brain itself pereebli. Probably the region's first corporate website in a clean flush at a time. And they paid for the work and forget. Even when they made a vir site - no one noticed. Therefore, such sites in the portfolio of small. One does not develop unless the hand cause the client. Or make a website, but a man - a contact person resign and the site dies. It's a shame to tears. Worse than when you render the brain curves TK.
Of course, it's not in the profession, and individual personality. There are also the most ssuchnyh professions quite nice and pleasant people. Yet the profession as a whole leaves the impression.
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Thursday, March 22, 2012
How to succeed Steve Jobs
Finished reading a book iKona - a rather peculiar biography of the founder of Apple and is now its CEO. If you do not pay attention to how the author tries to find a speck, and at the same time admire the charisma of Steve Jobs, you can learn many useful things for themselves or how to become a great man for thirty years in business. We generalize this all under several abstracts with explanations.
1) The family - nothing. But we can not take into account the impact of a woman next to you.
Despite the fact that all the Jobs speech imbued with love for family values , and many autobiographer talk about his quest to find all his life for his family, yet most important, Steve has always considered himself. He was not laponka constantly demanded from their adoptive parents' physical sacrifices for their whims, from which is then easily rejected. So he dropped out of college after a year, to which his parents had to collect almost all the money. Tough teenager who smoked marijuana and occasionally taking stronger drugs.
When she became pregnant with Jobs, he just stopped communicating with her, but denied even minimal assistance. When the DNA examination confirmed his paternity, he still refused to recognize his child and did so only when Lisa was already a teenager. Moreover, non-ultimate role in this played his wife Laura Jobs. Perhaps the only person among the relatives of Steve, who manages not only to restrain his temper, but also to influence it.
Jobs now have three children in a marriage. In addition, he found his sister, with whom he was separated after birth, because his mother was not married to his father. Despite the fact that Jobs is still married to first on his work, Laura's great influence on his values.
2) A professional in anything.
Steve never finished a single institution. His knowledge of creating computer worthless working in Atari, he tightened the bolts with a screwdriver. His ideas about programming is minimal - Steve Jobs has always resented the fact that this process is not instantaneous. By the way, and in the design of a special knowledge is not Steve Jobs - all mark only his sense of taste and style, but no way to create something.
The only thing Apple director has no equal, is in his ability to convince. Whether it's business partners, employees, investors, or simply customers - Jobs has always been able to find a trail to their heart. Although the majority believes that the door is always at the heart of Steve plowed his foot and quickly occupied the best seat in the room. As for me - is the quality which distinguishes genius prodazhnika, I have a few people (three in a lifetime ) saw it live. Two of them grew out of sales agents in their own directors of advertising agencies.
3) Assign someone else's ideas.
Even when he was an early Apple among its programmers developed a specific scheme of work with Jobs. It was necessary to give a very crude but promising idea to cut down its Jobs, and two weeks later came to the department and presented the same idea as his own. Moreover, the majority believes that he did it unintentionally - just worked his brain.
Apple and Apple -2 have been created thanks to the skill of Steve Wozniak. McIntosh was a project of Jeff Raskin, Jobs does not yet achieved that he went to him. The greatness of Pixar - is mainly the merit of John Lasettera, a name that is known only to specialists, and Steve was and still is nothing more than the principal owner of the company, almost without taking part in its activities. Monoblocks iMac appeared as the development of Apple even during the penultimate director Amelio. But the project was canceled and then revived a few years later under the guise iMac Dzhi5. And aypad, as it turns out, was invented by students Illinoysovskogo Institute back in 1988. Apple in the competition of ideas. Roots grow from the iPhone Newton project, which was profitable, but it was closed immediately after the return of Jobs to the company as the project is actively supported Amelio.
But who now remembers about that?.
4) Marketing.
The only marketing company in the words of one of the officers was to Apple that Jobs is in the morning looking in the mirror and ask yourself - what he wants. And this is fucking. Perhaps another company with the same frenzy and push their new products on the market, which did not exist - it's Sony. Not for nothing is it Jobs still maintains cordial relations, and felt something iPod to replace no less revolutionary volkmana.
We should also focus on design that Jobs is not considered a kind of visual presentation of the product, but rather the environment in which the consumer will live and enjoy. Mackintosh was lame in terms of product, but the design is allowed to sell hundreds of thousands of copies before the consumer is aware of. It was nice to have such a beautiful thing - even just put it on the table.
The ability to not just create what the thing and push it into the consciousness of the consumer - that is what has always distinguished by Steve. In fact, he was able to divide the world into those who clearly trusts him - his followers. And those who stand on the other side of the fence, not having seen Steve in action.
5) Whether the cattle.
During his tenure at Apple, Steve is not dealt painful blows unless cleaners. He even started his job with the deception, when he received the prize for the Atari creation of circuits with a minimum number of cards. Wozniak did all but promised him 50 %, Jobs gave him only 300 bucks, concealing that the prize was $ 1,000.
Jobs are regularly appropriated not only ideas but also departments, positions, etc. Dr.. Promising one person office, he could easily have the same day to give it to another person, and first to say ' sorry, I forgot '. Division, which led to the Jobs of Apple, was characterized by ultra-low salaries compared to other employees. Many years passed before Jobs was simply to pay for itself with a group visiting restaurants.
But do not be compared with his struggle for power in the company. Jobs podsidel virtually all directors of the company, seeking absolute power. And he did it by any means, without shunning the direct smear and blooming rumors. The only time he tripped only by Scully, who was the same beast (or if you want corporate -savvy fighter ), and Jobs did not give the possibility to use their weaknesses. Over time, mistakes have taught Steve Jobs to be more honest, but now if he wants to achieve something - it is better not to get in his way.
interesting places.
Not everyone knows that Microsoft has been startup company, when Apple was already famous all over America. And Jobs has twice been a chance to terminate the existence of Gates, but he did not use both. At first they ignored the opportunity to purchase Microsoft software as a developer. The second time Jobs has missed the opportunity vparit their OSes, IBM and got the opportunity Gates.
All of the major failures of Apple - Steve Jobs on the conscience. He started a project, then loses interest in him, and blamed the failure of the sales staff.
The real turning point came in with the advent of Apple iPods, which, no doubt, in many ways and the idea and feeling is Steve. But by that time a lot has come together in one place - and the new version of the successful cultivation, and the iPod, Pixar and the Oscars. Yet it has become the root of the iPod around which a new star lighted Jobs.
I recommend the book to the reading. So, how to make corporate career in the U.S., has no relation to the Russian reality, but God is in the details.
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Windows 7 will be released earlier than planned
It is learned that the next version of the operating system from Microsoft can come out ahead of schedule. One of the first test version of Windows 7 has been sent to key partners of the company, according to TG Daily.
Despite the fact that the yield of the new operating system was scheduled for 2010, the software giant, apparently revised plan for the development and release date. As a result, Windows 7 can go in the second half of next year.
The current version of the new operating system, proposed to test the partners of Microsoft, is available in English only in the 32- bit and 64- bit version. An interesting feature of Windows 7 is that it can work with multiple video cards from different manufacturers. Also, in a test build of the operating system already includes a new version of Media Center.
In addition, it is expected that Windows 7 will have new opportunities when working with touch screens and a new mini -kernel MinWin, which takes only 40 MB.
The next test version of the OS - M2, is scheduled for April-May this year, the M3 will have to go in the third quarter of 2008. After that, see the light of the beta and release candidate, but particularly on the timing of their release has not reported.
The rationale for reducing the time to develop a new operating system, perhaps, was the cool reception of Windows Vista, and the pressure on Microsoft by the computer manufacturers, as a result, the company extended the selling Windows XP until the end of June 2008, noted in Electronista.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Yellow Blogosphere News
The favorite subjects of such ... Gossip from the life of stars. , Hollow sensation, pseudoscientific discovery, mystery and crime.
With just a few proven techniques, this delirium is given the appearance of credibility. Gullible readers gigabytes absorb such ...
Drag Duel: Bugatii Veyron 16.4 vs Nissan Syline GT - R R34 Altechno
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Bugatii Veyron 16. 4 vs Nissan Syline GT - R R34 Altechno. |
1001 - a strong. Bugatti. Veyron 16. 4 is the fastest production car in the world, with incredible top speed of 253.1 miles / hour [ 407 km / h]. It is also one of the most expensive brands with a price just over $ 2.1 million.
But whether this dastatochno to beat in a duel drag on the quarter-mile wildly modified. Nissan. Syline GT - R R34 Altechno, which gives the monstrous 900 horsepower? .
See below.